Assistance in the choice of corporate structure, shareholder agreements, incorporation of companies, regulatory compliance, negotiation of joint ventures, provision of back-up services for company legal audits, organization of formalities and documentation related to board of directors meetings and general meetings of shareholders, share registration, increase and reduction of share capital, mergers and acquisitions, carve-outs, share transfers, dissolution and liquidation, establishment of branches and subsidiaries, take-over bids and acquisitions of control interests in quoted companies, share issues, stocks and securities, bankruptcy.
International sale purchase agreements and related business transactions, commercial contracts, transfers, rentals and acquisitions, franchises, leasing, distribution, commercial agencies, dealerships, business transfer, insurance, PPP.
Assistance and advice in all matters related to the transfer of property, due diligence, assistance and advice in matters related to infringements of the property or changes in time of the property, land purchase agreements, construction contracts, construction management contracts, utility contracts, leases and financing, expropriation, plots re-positioning, real estate limits and neighboring
Drafting and negotiation of construction contracts under FIDIC Rules, subcontracting, advice regarding the documentation for public tender for works, guarantees, public - private partnership projects, public acquisition of works regulations, contracts with suppliers and sub-contractors, legal advice on construction activities in Romania.
Services contracts: design, construction, site manager, cadastral and topometry services, health & safety, fire protection, perimeter monitoring
Advice for obtaining approval and authorizations for utility connections – water, sewerage, natural gas and electricity
Review and advice on constructive cadaster and unit division, divisions and amalgamations
Assistance at sale: reservation contracts, pre-sale contracts, transfer of ownership, notary operations.
Employment contracts, trade union negotiation and collective labor contracts, internal regulations, employment of expatriates, individual and collective dismissals, restructuring, labor litigation.
Software development contracts, large scale project implementation/customization contracts, sub-contracting, services and infrastructure, SLAs, licensing, registration of trademarks and industrial designs, technology and brand licenses, franchise agreements and joint ventures, IP disputes and litigation.
Legal advice on consumers protection issues especially in relation with advertising, sales and business practices, products labeling, abusive or incorrect practices, assistance in relation with consumers protection authorities, appeals against measures imposed by consumers protection authorities, litigation.
Advice, assistance, file preparation and representation in Commercial Courts, the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and ICC International Court of Arbitration, enforcement of Romanian and foreign court decisions and arbitration awards.
Legal advice on media acquisition, legal assistance in organizing promotions and media campaigns, direct marketing, protection of personal data of individuals.
GDPR implementation in organizations of any size, DPO services.
Advice, assistance and representation in relation with all anti-trust and merger commission, unfair competition, mergers and acquisitions surveillance, compliant information sharing practices, anti-competitive practices, exclusive distribution.
Incorporation and authorization of banks/financial institutions, compliance, governance, banking, general loan documentation, secure lending commercial deeds, syndicated loans, project finance, securities, factoring, discounting, regulatory advice, drafting contracts for banks, procedures with the National Bank of Romania, legal opinions on the application of EU Regulation no. 575/2013, anti-money laundering for banking and financing deals, advice to payment services providers
Public offers of sale or acquisition, listing and de-listing, squeeze out, representation in relation with National Securities Commission and the Central Depository, assistance with documentation, including general assemblies of shareholders, and reporting to the Bucharest Stock Exchange and the National Securities Commission concerning approval of financial reports, appointment of directors, dividend payment, advice on capital market related issues.
Advice on a wide range of public procurement legal aspects, requests for clarifications, contesting public tender documentation, assistance with tender preparation, representing the clients in relation with contracting authorities.
Procedures with National Council for Solving Complaints, as well as in Courts, legal advice on appeals procedures.
Detailed legal advice on renewable energy projects, including in relation with projects financing, due diligence, authorizations and licensing, project management, representation in front of the National Authority for Energy Regulations (ANRE) for obtaining provisional authorization and Producer License, representation in front of the National Agency for Environmental Protection and the national authority for mater management (National Administration “Romanian Waters”) for authorization and operation, representation in front of the ANRE, Transelectrica and OPCOM related to periodical reports concerning electrical energy and Green Certificates transactions, contracts for sale of energy and green certificates, market trading, legal assistance on meeting regulatory requirements.
Supply, production, storage and wholesale of energy products of mineral and non-mineral origin.
Insolvency & restructuring court proceedings, financial institutions insolvency, natural person insolvency, liquidation of debtor assets, liabilities under insolvency procedure, legal advice and representation of Creditors in Creditors meeting and for claims entered during insolvency proceedings, business rescue and legal advice for debitors.
Legal advice on Criminal Law risks and implications, trainings to limit criminal law risks as regards corruption, representation in Court and in prosecutors office or in relation with other authorities in various types of disputes: white-collar crime, financial fraud, corruption, abuse of power and negligence, intellectual and industrial property criminal infringements etc.
We organize trainings and work-shops on various legal aspects such as contracts, good competition practices, anti-corruption, GDPR and e-commerce regulation, contracts for teams and managers.